2022 EAA Schools

Information about the 2022 EAA Schools is now available



27 Oct 2021: The official start of ANDRONET!

The COST-supported network of andrologists and other specialists interested in male health (CA20119) has been formally kicked off by the first online meeting of the Management Committee (MC) and COST Officers on 27-28 October 2021. More than 50 representatives of 27 countries attended the meeting.

The delegates elected the leaders of ANDRONET:

Action Chair: Rafael Oliva (Spain) whose institution (Fundacio Clinic per a la Recerca Biomedica (FCRB) in Barcelona is the Action Grant Holder and will provide administration

Action Vice-Chair: Csilla Krausz (Italy)

Grant Awarding Coordinator: Davor Ježek (Croatia)

Grant Awarding Co-Coordinators: Alberto de la Iglesia (Spain), Jolanta Slowikowska-Hilczer (Poland), Zsolt Kopa (Hungary)

Science Communication Coordinator: Ewa Rajpert-De Meyts (Denmark)

Science Communication Vice-Coordinator: Sandra Laurentino (Germany)

Science Communication Co-Coordinators: Aleksander Giwercman (Sweden) and João Ramalho-Santos (Portugal)


Working Group (WG) Leaders:

WG1- Research Coordination: Leader: Frank Tüttelmann (Germany), Vice-Leader: Judit Castillo (Spain), Co-Leaders: Kristian Almstrup (Denmark), Ana Katusic-Bojanac (Croatia), Katerina Komrskova (Czech Rep.), Antoni Riera Escamilla (Spain)

WG2 - Professional Education: Leader: Leen Antonio (Belgium), Vice-Leader: Csilla Krausz (Italy), Co-Leaders: Lars Björndahl (Sweden), Rosita Condorelli (Italy), Josanne Vassallo (Malta)

WG3 - Public Awareness: Leader: Andrea Sansone (Italy), Vice-Leader: Chris Barratt (UK), Co-Leaders: Eduard Ruiz-Castañe (Spain), Viktoria Rosta (Hungary)

ANDRONET is open to any professionals and researchers in the field of andrology. If you or members of your group want to join one of the working groups, please apply through the webpage:  https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA20119/ in the Working Groups section.

The kick-off meeting was very lively, with a lot of discussion and comments in the plenary session and several breakout rooms dedicated to different aspects of the Action. The enthusiasm of the participants bodes well for the success of ANDRONET!   


logo andronet


cost logo


Two important Andronet (CA20119) events will occur at the ECA2024 in Stockholm. Registered participants (Andronet members) can claim travel costs reimbursed!  

  • Co-organized EAA-ANDRONET Course: What should the andrologist know in 2024?  (4 Sept 2024)
  • The annual meeting of the Management Committee (5 Sept 2024).  The MC meeting is open to all Andronet members.  

European Fertility Week 2021

The  EAA is represented at the European Fertility Week 2021


New EAA Member Portal launched

We have established a website area restricted to EAA members, who will now be able to see profiles of other members, update their own profiles and have access to educational materials.  

Open the Member Portal

WHO Manual Launch of sixth edition

Invite launch SM6 Final Final 21 07 2021

Bernard Jégou 1951-2021

We are deeply saddened to learn that Bernard Jégou has passed away. He was internationally recognised reproductive biologist, with main interest in the testis function, development and endocrine disrupters. He was the founder and a long -time Director of the excellent, multidisciplinary research group in Rennes, France, with developed several ground-breaking tools to study various aspects of reproductive biology.  Bernard was also a member of the Scientific Committee of the European Testis Workshops and organised two of them in St Malo. He was passionate about science and research education, and served on highest scientific councils in France. Bernard was a very special person – serious about science, excellent speaker and disseminator of research, but also caring, funny and charismatic. Everybody who knew Bernard and the whole generation of scientists he trained will miss him.

Bernard Jegou

New co-Editor

The EAA has appointed Prof. Aleksander Giwercman (Sweden) as the new co-Editor of Andrology. He will start in January 2022 as Deputy Editor.

Aleksander Giwercman
