16th NYRA Meeting, Brussels, 27-29 May 2024

Attention young researchers!
EAA travel grants (4 x 250€) are available for this event, specially designed for you. 

Recommended literature

Recommended literature


Nieschlag et al Andrology textbook:

EAA Guidelines:

  • EAA/EMQN best practice guidelines 2023
  • Gynaecomastia: evaluation and management
  • Management of bone health in the andrological outpatient clinic
  • Management of oligo-asthenoteratozoospermia
  • European academy of andrology guidelines on Klinefelter Syndrome Endorsing Organization: European Society of Endocrinology
  • European Academy of Andrology (EAA) guidelines on investigation, treatment and monitoring of functional hypogonadism in males: Endorsing organization: European Society of Endocrinology

Profiles of the EAA Centers and Publications 2017-2022:

Further articles

ECA2024 - 4-6 Sept 2024 - Stockholm, Sweden


Extended abstract submission deadline: 29 March 2024  midnight (CET)


NYRA merges with the EAA!

Great news for trainees! In June 2023, the Network for Young Researchers in Andrology (NYRA) became the young arm of the EAA, opening the EAA’s membership benefits for young researchers. A special NYRA-EAA membership category with a very low annual fee of €25 is open to NYRA members in training. NYRA will retain its website and autonomy concerning activities and its circle of followers. The President of NYRA, Alberto de la Iglesia is now a member ex-officio of the EAA Executive Council. NYRA’s website: https://nyra-youngresearch.eu/

REACH petition

EAA has supported the ESE petition (https://www.ese-hormones.org/media/5028/reach-petition-14march2023.pdf) to the EU Commission for the immediate publication of the delayed REACH revision (scheduled for 2022). Delaying the REACH revision will keep a high level of exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), leading to severe health consequences.  

EAA-endorsed Course in Andrological Endocrinology, 7-9 June 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark

EAA-endorsed Course in Andrological Endocrinology, 7-9 June 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark

Special benefits: 5 credits towards EAA Clinical Andrologist certification, and low fees for EAA members. 


Invitation to BEED-ED Survey

EAA Center in Leuven, Belgium aims to map current clinical practices on methods to measure testosterone and SHGB in andrology centres in Europe. If you wish to participate, please click here.

ECA2024 Call for Bids

The call for hosting the 13th European Congress of Andrology (ECA 2024) is now open to national societies or academic groups established in the field of andrology. The biennial Congress usually attracts 400 to 500 attendees, lasts for 3 days, and comprises plenary lecturers, several parallel symposia and poster sessions. 

Deadline for submission of Bids is 15 February 2023.

Please send your application with a preliminary budget to the EAA Office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
