

Awarded grants

Previous recipients of the EAA grants:

EAA travel grants June 2019

  • Dr Sava Petrov (affiliated member from Bulgaria) to attend the EAA Ultrasound School in Italy
  • Dr Daniel Moreno Mendoza (affiliated member from Spain) to attend the EAA School in Genetics, in Tartu, Estonia
  • Dr Jose Vinay (affiliated member from Chile) to attend the 2019 edition of the EAA Winter School on Testicular Histology and Pathology in Zagreb, Croatia

EAA scholarships 2018

  • Dr Leen Antonio (affiliated member from Belgium) to visit the EAA center in Copenhagen, Denmark for research training
  • Dr Andrea Sansone (affiliated member from Rome, Italy) to visit the EAA center in Münster, Germany for research training

EAA travel grants 2018

  • Dr Georgios Kanakis (affiliated member from Athens, Greece) to attend the TALENT meeting in December 2018 in Rome, Italy

EAA scholarships 2016

  • Dr. Stepan Krasnyak (affiliated member from Moscow, Russia) to visit the EAA training centre in Florence, Italy
  • Dr. Mohamed Wael Ragab (affiliated member) to visit the EAA centre in Muenster, Germany

Bayer EAA scholarship 2016

  • Dr. Giulia Rastrelli, EAA Academician who performed a fellowship at the EAA centre in Manchester, UK

EAA travel grants 2016

  • Dr. Daniele Santi and Dr. Leen Antonio, affiliated members who attended the 2nd International Workshop on Klinefelter Syndrome in Münster, Germany
  • Dr. Thaer M. Farhan, EAA affiliated member who attended the EAA Course in male subfertility in Malmoe, Sweden
  • Dr. Daniel Moreno Mendoza and Dr. Alexandra Amaral, affiliated members who attended the ECA 2016 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Bayer EAA scholarship 2015

  • Dr. José Ignacio Vinay, EAA affiliated member (Chile) who attended the Florence-Rome US School

EAA travel grants 2015

  • Dr. Daniel Moreno Mendoza (Spain), who attended the Muenster course
  • Dr. Kirils Ivanovs (Bulgaria), who attended the Florence-Rome US School